Don't stop until you're proud
We all know that exercise is essential to health. But must admit that Very few people are able to exercise regularly and sustainably. Most are active in the beginning, but gradually slowing down and lacking continuity. Until finally quit exercising

Today we have a solution. So you can exercise continuously and sustainably up to 4 easy ways
- Start with simple activities Instead of exercising hard Or choose to start with difficult sports That is a lot of work that is important at the beginning, emphasizing exercises that can be done anywhere, such as cycling in the vicinity of the house Or run in the near term first
- Choose a combination exercise during the first exercise. Meditation may not be focused. Therefore, should use a variety of exercises. Will not get bored and give up, such as cycling to warm up Followed by yoga running because in addition to being bored It is also gradually finding out which exercise is most appropriate for us.
- Motivate by "inviting friends" because besides being like delivering good things Let people close Inviting friends to exercise is a good motivation for us to stop. Claiming to be procrastinating indefinitely And exercise in pairs Or as a group, creating a more fun atmosphere As well as helping to strengthen relationships with friends as well.
- Challenge yourself when you start exercising until you get there. We should set new targets to create incentives. And more enthusiasm for exercise, such as scheduling exercise and trying to get on schedule Or not aiming to practice the sport that is playing better But do not aim to stress
... Let's start today, right? ... Fight !
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