Sad anime quotes

Sad anime quotes that'll teach you life lesson. No matter how hard your life is, always keep in mind that we learn a lesson with every problem we face in our life that help us to move forward. Anime quotes are unique and influence many in their daily lives for the admirers of this genre. These are some of the Sad Anime quotes that will make you cry. "I am sorry I gave you everything I had without making sure you wanted it" “Why should I apologize for being a monster? Has anyone ever apologized for turning me into one?” – Juuzou Suzuya The scariest and the most painful thing is to be hated by someone you truly love- Tohru Honda Death is not the greatest loss in life; the greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live. Enable Ginger Cannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connection or reload the browser Disable in this text field Edit Edit in Ginger Edit in Ginger × Enable Ginger Cannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connection or reload the brows...