In a world where you can be anything be kind

In a world where you can be anything be kind Be kind to everyone in a world where you can be anything, being nice to everyone you meet is the best thing you could do for anyone. When you show kindness to others, you have a more powerful impact than you think. The person who receives your kindness will be more inclined to treat another person with kindness, and that person, in turn, will continue the chain of kind acts. Kindness is an inspiring force and has the ability to brighten the world through the smallest of gestures, such as holding a door or giving someone a compliment. No matter what kind of gesture you have, the person will appreciate you more than you think, which will have a positive impact on the rest of the day. You never know what someone is struggling with private Everyone has a story that the world does not know, but that is real. You can never really tell what someone with a smiling face is struggling with. ...